Message from the Chairman
Nepal Rural Development Society Centre (NRDSC) was established on 3rd Kartik 2050 BS with the major objective of enhancing women empowerment, managing education for children and taking them out of viscious of poverty circle through income generating activities. It expanded its program through microfinance activities. As the operation reached to scale and a microfinance institution named Nerude Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd was established in the leadership of NRDSC. It handed over its micrfinance business to newly established microfinance institution from 1 st Aashadh 2064 BS. The central office of Organization is located at College Road Biratnagar Metropolitan City Ward No 9 in Morang District in eastern Nepal. Bramhagyani Bishramalaya and free physiotherapy services for senior citizens is provided through the office. A day service centre for senior citizens is also running at Aadarshtole in Budhiganga Municipality Ward No 3 in Morang. The organization is focusing its services towards senior citizens. The organization is leading and continuously providing feedback tolocal and federal governmental entities so as to have recognition of good works of senior citizens. This organization is doing such things to raise concerns of common public like education for children, rights to information, area wise survey report, literary works, data collection analysis and like. I would like to thank all persons, institutions, authorities who helped to shape this organization of the day and I wish you the same in future as well. Thanking you, (In Nepali)